A page from my Army days – It was the year 1996  and the Confederation of Indian Industries [ CII ]   had organized a seminar in New Delhi at a five star hotel on a theme  ” Army Industry Partnership ”  – first of its kind when the Army came forward to understand and partner with the private industry in India in a meaningful manner instead of resorting to mere sub contracting of work which is often mired in bureaucratic maze .

The hall was full and we had at least a 100 plus Star Generals in full uniform and livery attending the seminar and participating in the deliberations in parallel tracks . I was also a speaker talking on the topic ‘ Share our Brain Ware ‘ in the HR segment of the seminar .

There was a comic sight during the lunch hour . I witnessed something very rare from a military angle – The Army Top Brass standing in a  queue for more than 30 minutes for the buffet lunch ! The hotel obviously could not help it or did not consider it odd at all in a civilian setting but I could see many of the generals uncomfortable and showing it ! .

The first lesson in partnership when working with those not in uniform !

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