We are in the US with my daughter and son in law these days . I found my son in law has long working hours stretching over 12 to 14 hours including three hours of travel to and fro to the work place and back . We were talking about his routine at home  . My daughter miss him throughout the day and has to do most of the errands and shopping herself in addition to preparing her six year old daughter for school ,walking her to the school bus stop etc. Their daughter miss her daddy during the day  and barely get to see him before going to sleep .  May be these are normal for many working professionals these days .

But , I was curious to hear my son in law’s reaction to the complaints aired above and his observation surprised me . He said what you all say is very true but when do I get time in my busy schedule during the day to talk to me and spend quality time with me ? . Here lies the paradox of work and life !! .

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