How do you connect with your audience , especially  a large number whom you want to engage  with your talk  right from the word GO ? . Here is a good example :-

We were attending a 10 month long staff course at the Defense Services Staff College at Wellington ,  Nilgiris  , South India  in 1975  . There were 300 officers from the Army , Navy and the Air Force including many officers from Foreign countries  . During this program , we used to have many guest speakers  from the Defense services , Industry and Politicians and diplomats from various countries  and such lectures were arranged in the central hall of the college and attended by all participants and faculty members .

In one such program , our guest speaker was Admiral N Krishnan  , who commanded the Indian Naval Forces during the 1971 war with Pakistan in the Eastern Front  .  He was a short  officer  with may be the minimum height required even for the Navy . Admiral Krishnan walked to the podium in the stage and tested the mike before speaking . Instead of asking the customary question ” can you hear me at the back ? ” , he asked a question ” can you all SEE me at the back ? ” . The hall erupted with laughter and the mood was set for a very interesting talk with a lot of  jokes and anecdotes .

Admiral Krishnan  established a great rapport with the audience that day  with one simple  opening remark as given above .  A very effective communication skill indeed.!!

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