The Internet has become the construct for global connectivity and has surpassed the predictions and projections  of  both the evangelists and nay-sayers . What has started as a laboratory experiment and later extended to military applications during the Star War days has now become inseparable from all human endeavor both in the developed and developing nations cutting across all geographical and cultural divisions . From http to xml and now to web 2.0 and semantic web along with cloud computing , the Internet is going places and it is still evolving!!.

The user friendly nature of its technology and multi language formats,have permitted the Internet  to be used for commerce, navigation, deep sea exploration , remote sensing , defense , remote medical diagnosis and treatment as well as social interaction through e mails, internet telephony, social webs , live webs and now mobile webs . Today, the Internet offers a wide variety of Information and media  packaging  and  Entertainment formats in the form of Live Chats,audio and video down loads as well as interactive games . The NET has also over time come out of the shackles of  fixed apparatus like a desktop to mobile and hand held devices or got  integrated with smart appliances.

The name of GOOGLE stands out in this context and the mission of its founders – Larry Page and Sergey  Brin – ” to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful ” has been more than fulfilled and facilitated. In his article titled ” Icons of the Decade – Google ” [copyright-Guardian Newspapers 2009] Jeff Jarvis narrates how the Google founders made sense of the Internet medium first from a scientist’s perspective [search and discovery] and thereafter sought solutions in data .

During the last decade, Google helped us organise the world’s information and the next frontier could be to organise our lives, predicts Jeff Darvis.

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