If your reporting manager or appraiser describes you as ” a tall and well built executive ” and if you happens to measure only 167 cm height without shoes , one can reasonably assume that the reporting manager is less than 160 cm in height and has a thin body ! In a hilarious example from the Army , one reporting manager described a star performer – captain as ” he has reached his limit of performance – meaning he has performed in an exceptionally good manner! ” . Here it could be a matter of English Comprehension .
Performance reports are always subjective because subjects are reporting on subjects based on their perceptions and not based on true performance or goal based outcomes. If we want 100 percent objectivity , use only metrics of performance measurements without using any description – report only in numbers. The minute you start describing performance , biases set in !
If a performance appraisal system can minimize subjectivity to the extent practicable through metrics , multiple reviews at various levels and by lateral or 360 degree reviews , it will serve the purpose.
One of the major use of an appraisal system is to use it as a development tool and this aspect needs deep thought and focus. The development should also meet the needs of the organization and still satisfying the aspirations of the person reported upon. If we do this properly , it can be a valuable retention tool .