I have been a movie buff in my young days at least up to the age of 25 . I have seen five movies in a day in cinema halls or at least 25 to 30 movies in a month . I knew all the Hollywood and Bollywood stars and their antics and devoured all the movie news without fail . These records are of no consequence now when you have 24 hour movie channels available and with large screen experience in a portable configuration!

From Bioscope to Optoma Neo – i for iPhone , movie viewing has come a long way . We got free from cinema halls when 8 mm mini projectors followed by video cassettes came along for movie viewing in the privacy of your home. Soon DVD’s and then streaming video took over with Netflix and others dominating the anywhere movie experience . Now for those who still miss the larger screen experience , there is good news . Take a  portable projection system with battery power wherever you go and connect it to your i Phone or iPad and get streaming from any of the service providers like Amazon or Netflix. It is just that simple !

Technology is ahead of the curve here will lifestyle adapting to it and enhancing the envelope of your experience.

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