A New Year brings in new hopes, new resolutions , and new plans to achieve your dreams and aspirations. It is also a time for a Reality Check and Audit as to what went right , what went wrong and what went short . Many people carry out a social and financial audit and plan new connections and investments.

One simple way to do a social audit is to balance the incoming greetings from friends and relatives with the number of greetings initiated from your end . If you have sent more than what you got [ not counting the responses after receiving a message] , you are proactive in your social dimension.

In these days of internet , Facebook etc , we have multiple medium to send or receive greetings . However, nothing can replace a personal phone call.

It is also a good practice to carry out a destruction board convened and executed by you to weed out old documents , papers and mementos collected during the year.

One bold resolution I made this year is NOT to buy books and instead use my Kindle [ a birthday present from my son] to satisfy my reading requirements. Another one relates to changing my eating habits to cut down my body weight .

The Year 2012 happens to be the last year in the Mayan Calender and 12/21/2012 is supposed to be the last day for the earth to exist as we know it now . Let us wait and see ! .

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