The uninitiated to the internet [ a species fast approaching extinction] is still safe from intrusion into his or her privacy . For all others who at least clicked his or her way to the ubiquitous internet once in their life , it is lost forever .
You are visible globally – your attitudes , aptitudes , interest , inclinations, social habits , private moments , reflections etc are all there for the world to see thanks to organizations like Google , Face Book , Twitter and Skype who track you relentlessly through your clicks , personalize content for you for future viewing and sharing , and also make a quick bug on the sly by monetizing the data by collaborating with viral marketing agencies .
Any amount of legislation , control and monitoring will not stop this new trend which is here to stay and also generally acceptable to the netizen of the brave new virtual world . So ,enjoy the experience and do not complain. After all , no one can force you to click !