Remember Kunta Kinte, the original protagonist in the famous novel ROOTS written by Alex Haley in 1977? His saga running back to six generations to identify his African roots? This novel changed the way we think about our lineage and ancestors. But how many of us in the present generation bother to find out our roots?

In India, some people who believe in astrology visit a place called Hoshiarpur in Punjab to hear the pundits reading out the “Bhrighu Samhita”. The pundit [for a payment] picks up the sheet pertaining to the person who requests for it and reads out the details of his ancestors with details. Quite amazing, many people who experienced this report.

In the eighties I saw a Hindi movie named “Arjun Pandit” . In this movie, the central character Arjun Pandit, a wise man asks a youngster a series of questions on the Mughal Dynasty. Who is the father of Shah Jahan? When the youngster answers Jahangir, next question is who is the father of Jahangir? When the answer is again given correctly, the questions go on till the youngster reach the lineage traced to Akbar, Humayun, Babur and beyond .

When the youngster is very happy with his performance, Arjun Pandit now asks him, what is the name of your father, then his father’s father and so on. The youngster does not know the name of his grand father’s father. Arjun Pandit jokingly remarks “You know six generations of the Mughal Dynasty but not even three generations of your own ROOTS!! Very bad indeed” .

Does this apply to most of us or not ?

7 thoughts on “Do we know our roots?

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