Stephen Hawking is certain that there is no after life – or life after death . Being in the condition that he is for more than 40 years in a wheel chair , and being in the scientific temperament and disposition that he is , he should know and understand the value attached to the state of ” Living ” .

Mr Hawking has a  message for the humanity –  Seek to Maximize Value for your Actions – when you are alive !! . Do not wait for a second chance  which will never come !! .

The message is very profound and has deep meaning . It is not only a matter of living up to your full potential but also of giving a meaning to your life and contributing your might to make a positive difference to all the people who depend on your actions or non – actions , building positive relationships , maintaining harmony with the environment  and above all leave a legacy behind when you are no  more around .

Can you face your image in the mirror squarely and delight that customer every time ? . Can you narrate your achievements during the day honestly with your family members and colleagues at work  without feeling any embarrassment  ? . Do you carry any emotional baggage when you go to sleep ? .

Seeking value for your actions is more of a self appraisal than seeking social approvals and being in conformity with societal norms . Get the norms changed , if you feel they do not serve the purpose for which they were made initially . That is what makes a difference and guides the progress of humanity  . Stephen Hawking has made that difference to our lives . Follow his legacy !!

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